Emergency Medicine


Emergency servıces are unıts that provide health servıces 7 days, 24 hours, regardless of weekends ahd holıdays.

In the emergency department of our hospital, helath servıces are provided by at least 5 physician, 5 nurse, 1 patient admission officer and 2 personel 7 days a week 24 hours a day.


Emergency Medicine Department was establıshed an January 18 2000. It was founded by Prof. Dr. Fatih Ağalar. Head of the department between 2001-2004 as a Prof.Dr.Tekin Ahmet Serel did and since 2004 Prof. Dr. Önder Tomruk has been managing thıs task. Doç. Dr. N.Gökben Beceren and Doç.Dr.H.Hakan Armağan are the other instructor in our department.There are 3 instructor and 35 research assistants in our department.

After serving in its old place until 2010 our Emergency Servıces was moved to its current locatıon whıch is the old polyclinics of our hospital ın 2010.


Patients who apply to our emergency department are first evoluated in the triage department and after this evolution, they are directed to the relevant area. İn our emergency room.

In our emergency department, we have a fully equipped resuscitation room with a capacity of 2 beds, a monitorized observation area with 12 beds, a green area with 4 beds and a small intervention room where minör surgical procedures are performed.

All cases that apply to our Emergency Service are evoluated by the assistant physicians on duty under the supervision of our instructor as soon as possible and the necessary treatments are initiated. After the initial examinations of the patients are completed, the samples taken for analysis are delivered to the laboratory by the pneumatic system and the results can be seen instantly. In addition, the imaging results can be viewed instantly. In cases where other clinics need to be evoluated, the relevant clinics are consulted and work in good cooperation.


The education period of our research assistans is 4 years. During the 4 year education period,Anesthesia and Reanimation (1 month), Cardiology (1 month), Internal Medicine (1 month), Gynecology and Obstetrics (1 month), Neurology (1 month), Orthopedics and Traumatology (1 month), General Surgery (1 month) and Pediatrics (2 months) ) rotations and the education process is completed. In addition, seminars and article hours are organized for theoretical training, and the receive practical application education at the bedside.

During these trainings; They are experts in all emergencies such as Traumatic Emergencies, Surgical Emergencies, Cardiovascular Emergencies, Pulmonary Emergencies, Gastrointestinal Emergencies, Renal and Genitourinary Emergencies, Toxicological Emergencies, Environmental Emergencies, Psychiatric Emergencies, Disaster Planning and Emergencies.

In addition, theoretical and practical trainings are given by our ınstructor at the Faculty of Medicine for 2 weeks for the 5th grade education and 2 months for the 6th grade education.